Skaneateles Real Estate - The Weekly Update

Wow.  I knew I had started writing this blog in May of some year.  I didn't realize the year was 2007, and that it's been five years.  Time goes by quickly.  A Realtor asked me how I find time to write because he knew I was as busy (almost) as he is, and I don't have the benefit of a team.  Obviously I don't have as much time as I used to, but I love writing.  It helps me to write the update, as I've said before, because then I can rattle off the number of listings in Skaneateles - closings and contingencies - and it keeps me on track.  I can spot trends, know where my listings fit into them (or not).

I am a day late getting this blog out because I was in the midst of listing and buying and selling yesterday, morning, noon and yes, even night!  I can't tell you what we bought yet, because it's not done ("we" being my buyers and me) and I can't tell you what I sold, because It's not done either!  I can tell you what I listed, though: a lot on the lake, ready for your architect to design the camp of your dreams, on a dead end road (hate to say cul-de-sac because it gives it a different flavor - there aren't cul-de-sacs in the Adirondacks, are there?).  This one has steps, because that's the way it is on the Southwest side of the lake - but only 17.  The lot is on a wooded hillside - think decks and walk-outs - next to a stream.  Recently perked and ready to be built on.

This is the view - oh my!  The price is $179,900.  You could be in by the fall - or relaxing on this decking by June!  Watch the lighting of the lake on the Third!  Come on down! Firelane 16A in Cayuga County, about 10 miles down the lake on the west side - just follow my signs.  ML#S271935.

There are currently 96 active single family homes in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service.  Of these, 25 are in the village and 26 are considered waterfront.  This past week 5 new listings came on the market, all in the higher price bracket.  Two are waterfront - one above $500,000 and the other below.  Two stately  homes came on just outside the village - one above $500,000 and the other just below.  Another home with 25 acres and in the Jordan-Elbridge school district also entered the market.

Homes are selling, too.  There are 34 (an unheard of number) houses under some form of contract.  Three were new - two from the Village and one waterfront.  There are the trends.  Village and Waterfront.

Again, two more homes closed, bringing the year-to-date number to 27.  Waterfront and village - amazing.  We are doing well - hooray!


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