Skaneateles Real Estate - The Weekly Update

Last Friday I returned from Manhattan in the morning.  I had just gone down on Thursday morning planning to come back the same night, but I was concerned about the flooding I had seen on the drive.  I stayed over, got a quick walk in on Riverside, then started home.  I flew out of the city easily - the Henry Hudson is so fast and uncomplicated in the morning! - but found myself sitting in traffic on 81 in Binghamton.  I listened to the reports:  the Governor was somewhere in a helicopter overhead, there were photos apparently of just the tip of the golden arches of some McDonald's restaurant somewhere, the water had crested but was threatening the structure of bridges.  I heard Owego was hard hit, and thought of Adam Weitsman's business (see for updates on this and his response). 

I can't stand sitting in traffic, so I turned off and took Route 11 until I lost it somewhere in the country.  I stopped along the way at a small convenience store and gas station where I met people looking for faster routes coming from Albany.  And there I heard it, the classic response to "Wow, what a lot of rain we've had!"  "Could have been snow!"

Meanwhile homes in Skaneateles were listed and sold this past week.  Currently there are 150 single family homes listed in the multiple listing service.  Of these, 44 are in the Village and 34 are considered waterfront.  I am not going to itemize re-lists any more, only the new listings that come on the market.  A beautiful high-end home outside of Skaneateles (actuallly in Spafford) was listed above $600,000.  Another pretty Village home came on, around $300,000.  In the town not too far out is a new split level, on the market in the mid-$200,000 range.

Five homes are considered under contract but they still can be shown.  One of these, listed under $200,000 and in the Village, was just marked contingent.  There are no new "Under contract - do not show" homes (currently 3 in the category) or "pended" homes (6).

Our closings for the year stand at 48.  Interestingly, 10 were Village homes and 9 were waterfront.  These percentages are just slightly above the current breakdown of active homes.

The fall selling season has just begun!  If you would like to check out one of my listings, 5 Palmer Drive, please come to the open house this Sunday from 12:00 to 2:00.  Signs will be up directing you from Genesee Street and Academy because it is hard to find and very private.  Please tell me you read about the open on this blog - I would love it!


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