That's a Helluva Sales Strategy You've Got There: UPDATE

This Maersk shipping container with windows is all over the place:

Jul 26, 2009 - Price Increased $426,000
Jul 25, 2009 - Price Decreased $399,000
Jul 20, 2009 - Relisted
Jul 01, 2009 - Price Increased $426,000
Jul 01, 2009 - Relisted
May 14, 2009 - Relisted
May 13, 2009 - Delisted
May 11, 2009 - Listed $399,000
Jun 09, 2008 - Delisted
Jun 01, 2008 - Relisted
May 27, 2008 - Delisted
Apr 07, 2008 - Price Changed
Feb 12, 2008 - Listed

What a weirdo.

Psst. Here's a helpful hint: If you've dropped the price by $27,000 and still nobody's interested...keep dropping the price. This may sound strange, but buyers respond to good deals--not abject rip offs. I know! Sounds crazy! But it's no crazier than your current non-sensical, disturbingly erratic pricing strategy.

A poem from this seller:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic,
And so am I.


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