Skaneateles Real Estate - The Weekly Update

How lovely today was! I worked at home, giving myself a day to relax and recuperate - plus do all the wash from our many guests, clean out the refrigerator, chase a couple offers around and line up walk-throughs and closings. Yes, even in the summer, homes do close!

There are currently 139 active listings in the Skaneateles area of the multiple listing service. Three "sorta/kinda" new ones came on the market. All are re-lists with changes - brokers and prices and reconfigurations. Two are waterfront (well, actually they are the same waterfront with and without land across the road) and the other is a small town home that has been reduced about 12% and re-entered into the system.

One home has been marked contingent - a lovely village home that my buyers considered at one time. Priced realistically, it sold in under three months. Another home - great village waterfront - has gone straight to pending. Waterfront is starting to catch up.

There is one new closed property - again, waterfront - to bring the total number of closed properties to 44 for the year. This pretty camp's original price a while back was well over half a million, but it closed closer to the half million mark, a reduction of about 25%. Still, it's closed.

Last year at this time 23 single family homes had closed. Are we slowing down? I can't see it if we are. I called on two properties today to show them and both had recent contracts on them - before I'd had my second cup of coffee!

Just a note to first time homebuyers - you need to have your purchase in the pipeline by September 1st to feel sure enough of closing before the November 30th deadline. If you are at all considering buying, and can qualify, get started today! I've got some suggestions if you need them....


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