On the Irvine Housing Blog Forums our friend Morekaos pointed out that this Asian-inspired eyeball seizure has yet again dropped the price in its seemingly never-ending sales attempt.

The price was reduced $100,000 to $1,875,000.

By the way this marks the seventh post on RE in the LBC and the 709th day on the market.

This is getting to be regoddamndiculous.

However, it appears the realtor is finally getting serious. No, not because of that hilariously pointless 5% price reduction. You see, he added this sweet video website:

Given the eternity on the market, I think the website should be but I digress.

I wonder how much loot they blew on that useless exercise. To paraphrase Jim the Realtor, you can play grab ass all you want with these bullshit videos and expensive "outside the box" marketing ideas, but if you're TRULY interested in selling, there's nothing price can't fix.


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