In my Inbox this morning, Redfin informed me that six Long Beach property listings have been updated.

In a rapidly deteriorating market, this usually means one of two things:

1. Jackass realtors changing the status from "Active" to "Contingent" to make it look like people are actually interested in their overpriced properties, or

2. Price reductions

So imagine my surprise when I saw six price INCREASES staring at me. WTF?

It's worth noting that all properties are tiny, in the same no-man's-land 'hood, and listed by the same agent:

2530 E 10th St, 90804
The list price was "$284,000" and changed to "$324,000"
The status was "Active" and changed to "Contingent"

2540 E 10th St, 90804
The list price was "$284,000" and changed to "$324,000"

2542 E 10th St, 90804
The list price was "$289,000" and changed to "$329,000"

2544 E 10th St, 90804
The list price was "$299,000" and changed to "$339,000"

2524 E 10th St, 90804
The status was "Active" and changed to "Contingent"
The list price was "$274,000" and changed to "$314,000"

2526 E 10th St, 90804
The list price was "$279,000" and changed to "$324,000"

The really weird part? Every single listing starts with, "Reduced price!!"

Did the realtor jack up the prices but was too lazy to remove the "Reduced price" language from the listing descriptions? A lazy realtor? BLASPHEMY!

Is it a ploy, aided by playing with the "Active"/"Contingent" status, designed to fool people into believing a bidding war is going on? A dishonest realtor? HOW DARE YOU!

Is it a typo, and the realtor actually meant to reduce the price to $224,000, $239,000, $229,000, etc.? A realtor with typos? STOP SPREADING LIES!

Or worse, does this realtor actually believe they can get $424 per square foot during the worst housing and lending crisis our country has faced since the Great Depression? A delusional realtor? YOU SIR, HAVE FINALLY CROSSED THE LINE!

What's your theory?


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