The Open House at 115 Raspberry

It's been a while since I've done an open house, winter being what it was and the choice of my sellers NOT to have open houses during this season.  But I was pleasantly surprised at how many people came out today in really cold weather.

I always learn a lot about a house by holding it open to the public.  It's interesting to see what the buyers key in on...the agents wanted a family room instead of another eating area, and we provided that by changing the furniture around.  There were no comments today about it, except a few people who really liked the coziness of it.

The carpets had been steamed and stretched and looked wonderful.  I highly recommend doing that for all homes that have wall to wall carpeting.  They did look new!  So new in fact, that I found people teetering on the edge of the living room, not wanting to step on the pristine white carpeting!  Myself included!

I spent some of the time as people roamed around sitting by the fire in the family room, admiring the pretty white crown molding against the Cape Cod blue walls.  (Please see the photo below.)   Lo and behold a prospective buyer showed up almost in the same blue with Cape Cod on his sweatshirt!  Moments like that are fun...

The flow was great - people in and around and almost done and then another group would come.  Busy all the time.  The sellers left candies around with "welcome to our home" signs.  Very charming.

And the house was de-cluttered to the max!  People were impressed, and stated that.  While most in this price range - $319,000 - had homes to sell, they wondered if they could get their home as immaculate and well-organized.  I assured them they could, and that it was a process to be developed over time.

A good day!


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