Topic #1 Okay, so I am finally having difficulty with the lack of snow. It is simply not right! I hear last night on the news that even if we come in with one of the lowest snow totals of all-time, we still will have at least three to five feet of snow before this "winter" is over. That's a lot of snow, especially if you cram it into the next two months - because March 15th is about it for major snow. For those of us who were here - there was the mid-March snowstorm of 1993 that dumped several feet on the area - then melted away within two weeks. As I write, it is sort of raining snow.....Sigh. Topic #2 We must have been watching too many Twilight Zones from the New Year's marathon. I went out to get the paper before 7:00 AM yesterday and there in the northwestern sky was a bright light, hidden by clouds. My first thought was that it was the sun - but wait! That rises in the east, and I see it every day! Slowly the moo...
You may remember my suspicion a certain listing agent was playing MLS peek-a-boo with his unoccupied condos in this post . Well, my suspicion has now turned to grim, mildly-nauseating confirmation. As you will recall, a week ago the properties listed were: Units #5, #10, #17, and #18. While browsing through Redfin today, I noticed #5 has been pulled and Units #9 and #24 have been put in its place (at 3 and 4 days on the market, respectively). Transparent, crass, desperate...just a few words that can be used to describe this sort of manipulation. I guess it's possible that the owners of #9 and #24 recently sold and the properties have suddenly, unexpectedly re-entered the marketplace. It's also possible that Elvis is a line cook at The Yard House, but would you wager money on it? Plus, it's the same listing agent and the same description. You, sir, are busted. I'm calling this sort of tomfoolery out for what it is: a clear attempt to mislead potential buyers about...
While running a successful rental marketing company and renting out my numerous rental properties. I have picked up a few tricks along the way. Below are 20 ways you can rent out your home faster (There are plenty more ideas and if you have some please comment and I can add to the list): 1) Pricing Matters There are many ways to price your home competitively in the marketplace. Some tools to help you along the way are:, and 2) The time of the Month Counts The best times to gain a tenant are March, April, May, June, July and August. These are the main months when renters move due to seasons, schools, etc. 3) Throw some Make-up On Have you ever toured a model home for sale? What do you notice? Are there magnets on the fridge? Are there clothes in the hamper? Are the walls scratched? The answer is no. Why? This is what sells homes. Touch up with paint and remove all clutter and you will see a big difference. 4) Replace Light bulbs and Fixtures ...
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