More Bottom Calling

Sitting in the airport drinking coffee, making friends with old ladies, reading the newspaper (I know--so retro!) and all of a sudden I see the Orange County Register just called the bottom:

After two consecutive months of price gains, Orange County's housing market may have bottomed out.

But with home-default figures hitting a record high in March, it's clear that a new wave of distressed sales are headed to market. [And? And?! Spell it out for us, OCR. Draw the obvious conclusion: With the amount of distressed inventory about to hit the market, this is most assuredly not the bottom. I mean, how can your lede be "we may have bottomed out," followed by a line immediately refuting your claim? Oy.]


But DataQuick analyst John Karevoll observed that it's not likely that the median will go below January's low-water mark.

"In the world of likelihoods, I think we have seen the price bottom," Karevoll said. "But that's a statistical change only."

Lots of hedges, including "may have" "not likely" and "in the world of likelihoods" but that is bottom-calling, no doubt about it.

Could they be right though? Are the bears blinded by their burning desire to see prices fall further?

Hey, in a time of rapidly dwindling newspaper ad revenue, who is one of the primary sources of advertising income to the Orange County Register? Oh, the Real Estate industry?



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