Happy Days!

I've had one of those interesting, wonderful weeks that remind me why I'm in real estate.

Last weekend we took a road trip (ROAD TRIP!) to North Carolina. I was inspired by a client/friend who called me periodically on the way to Florida a few weeks ago to negotiate an offer. By 9:00 that night he was in 65 degree temperatures and going out to eat - no boots, no gloves, no scarves, and NO snow! We were "chilling" in the teens, the snow was coming down, and "cozy by the fire" had lost its thrill. I got off the phone - the offer didn't go through - and said "We're going South - when?!" It took us a couple weeks to get ready and then we piled the dogs in the Element and left.

As you've heard me say before, if you ever want to sell a house, go on vacation. Or better yet - send your agent on vacation! Sure enough, I spent all day Thursday on the phone. Bob drove, the dogs slept, and deals were made. By the end of the weekend I had sat in the sun - 78 degrees! - for the hour I wanted, walked on the beach, eaten boiled peanuts, and sold three houses.

I told Bob we had done well. For once Skaneateles and environs were not either tormented by a blizzard which we would have enjoyed or melted by unseasonably warm temperatures. The Outer Banks were also not snowed in (that was the weekend before!) as usually happens to our destination. He said we were lucky - that was the only weekend we could possibly get away for another couple months and then by May we never want to leave.

Of course the sales made for long days after we returned. I was in the office trying to drag paperwork from people and send it elsewhere until late each night. Linda even gave up and went home.

Wednesday night I needed someone to choose a card for the drawing for the $200 Mirbeau gift certificate promised to the Realtor who showed Knightsbridge and left his/her card. As the owner and I were about to create a system to make a choice, an old friend stopped by. He no longer lives here but comes occasionally for business. On his way to dinner he saw the light and was glad to see I was still here. He pulled the card - congratulations to Ellen Hennigan of Hunt Real Estate, nee Prudential. She was thrilled!

I love seeing old friends. Our relationship started when he and his wife walked in to my old agency's office 6 years ago. Their baby had just been born and he transferred here. They eventually built a house with me and then I sold it for them a couple years later when they left. They have just recently adopted their daughter from Korea and we looked at his blog together.

Then of course, there was Thursday night - and Friday morning's - spectacular Syracuse University game for the ages. SIX overtimes! I paced from the end of regulation (and Devendorf's shot that should have counted) and wondered why I was exhausted. It was spectacular. And I was so glad I didn't have to face a classroom the next day!

Friday night I went to Doug's for takeout and the talk was all about the game and the one coming up (which they won, in overtime - one overtime - again). The line was long but the wait relatively short, even by my impatient standards, and the food as always delicious.

Now I'm in the office, preparing for my open house tomorrow at 127 Raspberry Lane in Camillus, 1:00 to 4:00, sipping a latte from the Bakery, waiting to hear about a home inspection going on right now. I'll spend the afternoon at the outlet mall in Waterloo because bamboo is being installed in the kitchen and foyer at home.

Life is good - so very, very good!

And tonight, the final game of the Big East Tournament - SU vs. Louisville. Can they do it again?


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