A 10-Year Plan
Lately I've noticed the bottom-calling is growing in fervor and frequency, and real estate "professionals" are becoming more aggressive with their optimism. In fact, just today my cousin sent me a newsletter from an Orange County Realtor (yep, totally unbiased source) claiming buyers waiting for a bottom in houses below $350,000 have "already missed it" and "under $250,000 there is actually a shortage of good houses to buy!" His primary justification for his sunny outlook seems to be that sales are up from last year and certain distressed properties are garnering multiple offers. One more time, for the kids in the back eating Elmer's glue: If a home is priced correctly, it will sell quickly. Duh. This isn’t mapping the human genome, people. It’s a pretty simple concept. And what this used house salesman failed to acknowledge is that an increase in homes selling at bargain bin prices does not constitute a bottom. In fact, it is an ominous sign of ju...