Creative Marketing

I have to admit that one thing I didn't find at the RE/MAX Convention was a great deal of out of the box marketing ideas. I didn't take a lot of classes, but they weren't aimed at this anyway.

A couple years ago I listed a beautiful home here in Skaneateles that took a while to sell. It was in the high 600s, so we were prepared for a lengthy marketing experience, should we say. It was just when the market seemed to be turning, and we were reading about the extraordinary measures some agents were taking to make their homes more enticing. "Give people an incentive, and they will respond," said one of the RE/MAX presenters. So we did.

We (the owners and I) offered round trip tickets to Europe or beyond, imported ornamental balls, a monetary incentive to the agent who would sell it, and a list of other smaller goodies. The story was picked up by the Post Standard and there we were - above the fold on the front page! We were invited on to a local afternoon talk show to speak about the listing and for a few days we were quite the item. "You can't buy this type of advertising!" most people said. The house did sell, although not until we reduced the price and removed the incentives. Not my buyers - and I still wonder if they had seen the listing or were told about it, just were not able to act until later in the year.

Another time I thought that some land I was selling might have lake rights, and advertised the possibility. The land was cheap - $25,000 - and the ad ended up next to another bit of lake property selling in the millions. A reporter picked up the story and there was my owner's picture in the paper, sure enough! It still hasn't sold and we can't find that it has lake rights, but if you're interested.....

Several years ago I had an open house around St. Patrick's Day and gave everyone a gold coin worth $10,000 off the price of the house. Everyone laughed and thought it was great fun. Again, the house didn't sell that day but I am sure the gold coins were passed around and a "buzz" had been created.

So here we are again, and yes, it will be St. Patrick's Day on Monday and yes, I have an open house on Sunday and bygorrah, the Irish owners have agreed to the gold coin! Come to my open house between 12:00 and 2:00 at 51 West Elizabeth Street here in the village and pick up a gold coin. You never know! (The home and details can be seen on just type in 13152 or Skaneateles and it should be the second one to come up, #187353. ) Tell me you came because you read my blog and I will be thrilled!


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